Difference between revisions of "Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus (Q2682)"

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Property / accepted id
Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus
Property / accepted id: Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus / rank
Preferred rank
Property / accepted id: Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus / qualifier
taxon name: Gnaphalium uliginosum
Property / accepted id: Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus / qualifier
taxon authority: Linnaeus
Property / accepted id: Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus / qualifier
Property / accepted id: Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus / qualifier
publication: FNA Editorial Committee. 2006. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 19: Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, part 6: Asteraceae, part 1. Oxford University Press, New York.
Property / accepted id: Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus / qualifier
taxon status: accepted
Property / accepted id: Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus / reference
Property / taxon name
Gnaphalium uliginosum
Property / taxon name: Gnaphalium uliginosum / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon name: Gnaphalium uliginosum / reference
Property / taxon authority
Property / taxon authority: Linnaeus / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon authority: Linnaeus / reference
Property / taxon rank
Property / taxon rank: species / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon rank: species / reference
Property / taxon status
Property / taxon status: accepted / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon status: accepted / reference
Property / common name
gnaphale des vases (French)
Property / common name: gnaphale des vases (French) / rank
Preferred rank
Property / common name: gnaphale des vases (French) / reference
Property / common name
gnaphale uligineuse (French)
Property / common name: gnaphale uligineuse (French) / rank
Preferred rank
Property / common name: gnaphale uligineuse (French) / reference
Property / common name
cotonnière des marais (French)
Property / common name: cotonnière des marais (French) / rank
Preferred rank
Property / common name: cotonnière des marais (French) / reference
Property / common name
gnaphale des mares (French)
Property / common name: gnaphale des mares (French) / rank
Preferred rank
Property / common name: gnaphale des mares (French) / reference
Property / common name
gnaphale des marais (French)
Property / common name: gnaphale des marais (French) / rank
Preferred rank
Property / common name: gnaphale des marais (French) / reference
Property / common name
gnaphale des fanges (French)
Property / common name: gnaphale des fanges (French) / rank
Preferred rank
Property / common name: gnaphale des fanges (French) / reference
Property / common name
cotonnière des fanges (French)
Property / common name: cotonnière des fanges (French) / rank
Preferred rank
Property / common name: cotonnière des fanges (French) / reference
Property / common name
marsh cudweed (English)
Property / common name: marsh cudweed (English) / rank
Preferred rank
Property / common name: marsh cudweed (English) / reference
Property / common name
low cudweed (English)
Property / common name: low cudweed (English) / rank
Preferred rank
Property / common name: low cudweed (English) / reference
Property / common name
mud cudweed (English)
Property / common name: mud cudweed (English) / rank
Preferred rank
Property / common name: mud cudweed (English) / reference
Property / common name
Marsh cudweed (English)
Property / common name: Marsh cudweed (English) / rank
Normal rank
Property / common name: Marsh cudweed (English) / reference
Property / VasCan taxon numeric id
Property / VasCan taxon numeric id: 3180 / rank
Normal rank
Property / VasCan taxon numeric id: 3180 / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-BC / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-BC / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-BC / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-BC / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-BC / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Klinkenberg, B. (ed.). 2010+. E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Plants of British Columbia. Lab. for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. http://www.eflora.bc.ca http://www.eflora.bc.ca/
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-AB / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-AB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-AB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-AB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-AB / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Moss, E.H. 1983. Flora of Alberta. 2nd edition, revised by J.G. Packer. University of Toronto Press, Toronto. 687 pp.
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-SK / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-SK / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-SK / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-SK / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-SK / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Harms, V.L. 2006. Annotated catalogue of Saskatchewan vascular plants. http://www.biodiversity.sk.ca/Docs/AnnotatedCatalogueSKVascPlants2006.pdf
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-MB / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-MB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-MB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-MB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-MB / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-ON / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-ON / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-ON / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-ON / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-ON / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Newmaster, S.G. & S. Ragupathy. 2005. Flora Ontario - Integrated Botanical Information System (FOIBIS), Phase I. University of Guelph, Canada. http://www.uoguelph.ca/foibis http://www.uoguelph.ca/foibis/
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-QC / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-QC / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-QC / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-QC / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-QC / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Marie-Victorin, Fr. 1995. Flore laurentienne. 3e éd. Mise à jour et annotée par L. Brouillet, S.G. Hay, I. Goulet, M. Blondeau, J. Cayouette et J. Labrecque. Gaétan Morin éditeur. 1093 pp.
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-NB / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-NB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NB / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Hinds, H.R. 2000. Flora of New Brunswick : a manual for the identification of the vascular plants of New Brunswick. 2nd edition. Biology Department, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. 699 pp.
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-PE / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-PE / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-PE / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-PE / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-PE / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Catling, P.M., D.S. Erskine & R.B. MacLaren. 1985. The Plants of Prince Edward Island with new records, nomenclatural changes, and corrections and deletions. Agriculture Canada, Research Branch, Ottawa. Publication 1798. 272 pp.
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-NS / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-NS / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NS / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NS / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NS / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Zinck, M. 1998. Roland's Flora of Nova Scotia. Nimber Publishing & Nova Scotia Museum. Halifax, N. S. 2 vols. 1297 pp.
Property / distribution
Newfoundland, CA
Property / distribution: Newfoundland, CA / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: Newfoundland, CA / qualifier
Property / distribution: Newfoundland, CA / qualifier
Property / distribution: Newfoundland, CA / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Meades, S., S.G. Hay & L. Brouillet. 2000. Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Newfoundland and Labrador. Published in association with A Digital Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador Vascular Plants. http://www.digitalnaturalhistory.com/meades.htm (consulted 2009-09-02) http://www.digitalnaturalhistory.com/meades.htm
Property / distribution
Labrador, CA
Property / distribution: Labrador, CA / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: Labrador, CA / qualifier
Property / distribution: Labrador, CA / qualifier
Property / distribution: Labrador, CA / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: FR-PM / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: FR-PM / qualifier
Property / distribution: FR-PM / qualifier
Property / distribution: FR-PM / qualifier
Property / distribution: FR-PM / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Etcheberry, R. 1989. Plantes de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. Unpublished list (MT).
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-YT / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-YT / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-YT / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-YT / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-YT / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Cody, W.J. 2000. Flora of the Yukon Territory. 2nd ed. National Research Press, Ottawa. 669 pp.
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-NT / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-NT / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NT / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NT / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NT / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Vascular Plant Herbarium (DAO), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, ON. http://res2.agr.ca/ecorc/dao/index_e.htm
Property / distribution
Greenland, GL
Property / distribution: Greenland, GL / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: Greenland, GL / qualifier
Property / distribution: Greenland, GL / qualifier
Property / distribution: Greenland, GL / reference
provenance: Database of Vascular Plants of Canada
publication: Böcher, T.W., B. Fredskild, K. Holmen & K. Jakobsen. 1978. Grønlands Flora. P. Haase & Søns Forlag, København. 326 pp.
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: Greenland / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: Greenland / reference
Property / distribution
St. Pierre and Miquelon
Property / distribution: St. Pierre and Miquelon / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: St. Pierre and Miquelon / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-AB / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-AB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-AB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-AB / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-BC / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-BC / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-BC / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-BC / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-MB / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-MB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-MB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-MB / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-NB / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-NB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NB / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NB / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-NL / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-NL / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NL / qualifier
original value: Nfld. and Labr. (Nfld.)
Property / distribution: CA-NL / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-NS / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-NS / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NS / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-NS / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-ON / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-ON / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-ON / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-ON / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-PE / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-PE / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-PE / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-PE / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-QC / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-QC / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-QC / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-QC / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-SK / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-SK / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-SK / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-SK / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: CA-YT / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: CA-YT / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-YT / qualifier
Property / distribution: CA-YT / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-AK / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-AK / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-AK / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-AK / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-CO / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-CO / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-CO / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-CO / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-CT / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-CT / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-CT / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-CT / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-DE / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-DE / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-DE / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-DE / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-ID / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-ID / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-ID / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-ID / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-IL / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-IL / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-IL / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-IL / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-IA / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-IA / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-IA / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-IA / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-KS / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-KS / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-KS / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-KS / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-KY / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-KY / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-KY / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-KY / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-ME / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-ME / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-ME / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-ME / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-MD / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-MD / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-MD / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-MD / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-MA / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-MA / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-MA / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-MA / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-MN / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-MN / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-MN / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-MN / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-MT / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-MT / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-MT / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-MT / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-NH / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-NH / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-NH / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-NH / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-NJ / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-NJ / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-NJ / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-NJ / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-NY / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-NY / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-NY / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-NY / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-OH / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-OH / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-OH / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-OH / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-OR / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-OR / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-OR / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-OR / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-PA / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-PA / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-PA / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-PA / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-RI / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-RI / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-RI / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-RI / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-SD / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-SD / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-SD / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-SD / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-UT / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-UT / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-UT / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-UT / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-VT / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-VT / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-VT / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-VT / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-VA / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-VA / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-VA / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-VA / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-WA / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-WA / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-WA / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-WA / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-WV / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-WV / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-WV / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-WV / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-WI / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-WI / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-WI / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-WI / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: US-WY / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: US-WY / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-WY / qualifier
Property / distribution: US-WY / reference
Property / distribution
Property / distribution: Europe / rank
Normal rank
Property / distribution: Europe / reference
Property / parent taxon
Property / parent taxon: Gnaphalium Linnaeus / rank
Normal rank
Property / parent taxon: Gnaphalium Linnaeus / reference
Property / taxon habit
Property / taxon habit: herb / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon habit: herb / reference
Property / GBIF taxon key
Property / GBIF taxon key: 5390848 / rank
Normal rank
Property / GBIF taxon key: 5390848 / reference
Property / IUCN Redlist Category
Property / IUCN Redlist Category: NE / rank
Normal rank
Property / IUCN Redlist Category: NE / reference
Property / phenology
Flowering Jul–Oct.
Property / phenology: Flowering Jul–Oct. / rank
Normal rank
Property / phenology: Flowering Jul–Oct. / reference
Property / taxon habitat
pond margins
Property / taxon habitat: pond margins / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon habitat: pond margins / reference
Property / taxon habitat
stream banks
Property / taxon habitat: stream banks / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon habitat: stream banks / reference
Property / taxon habitat
wet meadows
Property / taxon habitat: wet meadows / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon habitat: wet meadows / reference
Property / taxon habitat
Property / taxon habitat: other / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon habitat: other / reference
Property / taxon habitat
moist sites
Property / taxon habitat: moist sites / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon habitat: moist sites / reference
Property / taxon habitat
disturbed sites
Property / taxon habitat: disturbed sites / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon habitat: disturbed sites / reference
Property / elevation
1400–3000 m
Property / elevation: 1400–3000 m / rank
Normal rank
Property / elevation: 1400–3000 m / qualifier
measurement range from:

1,400 meter

Amount1,400 meter
Property / elevation: 1400–3000 m / qualifier
measurement range to:

3,000 meter

Amount3,000 meter
Property / elevation: 1400–3000 m / reference
Property / special status
Property / special status: I / rank
Normal rank
Property / special status: I / reference
Property / special status
Property / special status: F / rank
Normal rank
Property / special status: F / reference
Property / taxon description fragment
Stems erect, usually branched from bases, sometimes simple, closely to loosely tomentose.
Property / taxon description fragment: Stems erect, usually branched from bases, sometimes simple, closely to loosely tomentose. / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon description fragment: Stems erect, usually branched from bases, sometimes simple, closely to loosely tomentose. / reference
Property / taxon description fragment
Leaf-blades oblanceolate, 1–5 cm × 1–3 mm.
Property / taxon description fragment: Leaf-blades oblanceolate, 1–5 cm × 1–3 mm. / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon description fragment: Leaf-blades oblanceolate, 1–5 cm × 1–3 mm. / reference
Property / taxon description fragment
Bracts subtending heads linear, oblanceolate, or obovate, 5–15 × 1–2 mm, usually surpassing glomerules.
Property / taxon description fragment: Bracts subtending heads linear, oblanceolate, or obovate, 5–15 × 1–2 mm, usually surpassing glomerules. / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon description fragment: Bracts subtending heads linear, oblanceolate, or obovate, 5–15 × 1–2 mm, usually surpassing glomerules. / reference
Property / taxon description fragment
Heads borne singly or in terminal, capitate glomerules, sometimes in axillary glomerules.
Property / taxon description fragment: Heads borne singly or in terminal, capitate glomerules, sometimes in axillary glomerules. / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon description fragment: Heads borne singly or in terminal, capitate glomerules, sometimes in axillary glomerules. / reference
Property / taxon description fragment
Involucres 2–4 mm.
Property / taxon description fragment: Involucres 2–4 mm. / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon description fragment: Involucres 2–4 mm. / reference
Property / taxon description fragment
Phyllaries brownish, bases woolly, inner narrowly triangular with whitish, acute apices.
Property / taxon description fragment: Phyllaries brownish, bases woolly, inner narrowly triangular with whitish, acute apices. / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon description fragment: Phyllaries brownish, bases woolly, inner narrowly triangular with whitish, acute apices. / reference
Property / taxon description fragment
2n = 14.
Property / taxon description fragment: 2n = 14. / rank
Normal rank
Property / taxon description fragment: 2n = 14. / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: range morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
morphology statement value: in terminal , capitate glomerules
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference
Property / morphology statement
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / rank
Normal rank
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / qualifier
Property / morphology statement: simple morphology value / reference

Latest revision as of 12:48, 24 June 2022

Gnaphalium uliginosum is a taxon with the rank species within the genus Gnaphalium
Language Label Description Also known as
Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus
Gnaphalium uliginosum is a taxon with the rank species within the genus Gnaphalium


    taxon/id/Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus
    0 references
    Gnaphalium uliginosum Linnaeus
    Gnaphalium uliginosum
    FNA Editorial Committee. 2006. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 19: Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, part 6: Asteraceae, part 1. Oxford University Press, New York.
    Gnaphalium uliginosum
    gnaphale des vases (French)
    gnaphale uligineuse (French)
    cotonnière des marais (French)
    gnaphale des mares (French)
    gnaphale des marais (French)
    gnaphale des fanges (French)
    cotonnière des fanges (French)
    marsh cudweed (English)
    low cudweed (English)
    mud cudweed (English)
    Marsh cudweed (English)
    1 reference
    Klinkenberg, B. (ed.). 2010+. E-Flora BC: Electronic Atlas of the Plants of British Columbia. Lab. for Advanced Spatial Analysis, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. http://www.eflora.bc.ca http://www.eflora.bc.ca/
    1 reference
    Moss, E.H. 1983. Flora of Alberta. 2nd edition, revised by J.G. Packer. University of Toronto Press, Toronto. 687 pp.
    1 reference
    Harms, V.L. 2006. Annotated catalogue of Saskatchewan vascular plants. http://www.biodiversity.sk.ca/Docs/AnnotatedCatalogueSKVascPlants2006.pdf
    1 reference
    Newmaster, S.G. & S. Ragupathy. 2005. Flora Ontario - Integrated Botanical Information System (FOIBIS), Phase I. University of Guelph, Canada. http://www.uoguelph.ca/foibis http://www.uoguelph.ca/foibis/
    1 reference
    Marie-Victorin, Fr. 1995. Flore laurentienne. 3e éd. Mise à jour et annotée par L. Brouillet, S.G. Hay, I. Goulet, M. Blondeau, J. Cayouette et J. Labrecque. Gaétan Morin éditeur. 1093 pp.
    1 reference
    Hinds, H.R. 2000. Flora of New Brunswick : a manual for the identification of the vascular plants of New Brunswick. 2nd edition. Biology Department, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton. 699 pp.
    1 reference
    Catling, P.M., D.S. Erskine & R.B. MacLaren. 1985. The Plants of Prince Edward Island with new records, nomenclatural changes, and corrections and deletions. Agriculture Canada, Research Branch, Ottawa. Publication 1798. 272 pp.
    1 reference
    Zinck, M. 1998. Roland's Flora of Nova Scotia. Nimber Publishing & Nova Scotia Museum. Halifax, N. S. 2 vols. 1297 pp.
    Newfoundland, CA
    1 reference
    Meades, S., S.G. Hay & L. Brouillet. 2000. Annotated Checklist of the Vascular Plants of Newfoundland and Labrador. Published in association with A Digital Flora of Newfoundland and Labrador Vascular Plants. http://www.digitalnaturalhistory.com/meades.htm (consulted 2009-09-02) http://www.digitalnaturalhistory.com/meades.htm
    1 reference
    Etcheberry, R. 1989. Plantes de Saint-Pierre et Miquelon. Unpublished list (MT).
    1 reference
    Cody, W.J. 2000. Flora of the Yukon Territory. 2nd ed. National Research Press, Ottawa. 669 pp.
    1 reference
    Vascular Plant Herbarium (DAO), Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Ottawa, ON. http://res2.agr.ca/ecorc/dao/index_e.htm
    Greenland, GL
    1 reference
    Böcher, T.W., B. Fredskild, K. Holmen & K. Jakobsen. 1978. Grønlands Flora. P. Haase & Søns Forlag, København. 326 pp.
    St. Pierre and Miquelon
    Flowering Jul–Oct.
    pond margins
    stream banks
    wet meadows
    moist sites
    disturbed sites
    1400–3000 m
    Stems erect, usually branched from bases, sometimes simple, closely to loosely tomentose.
    Leaf-blades oblanceolate, 1–5 cm × 1–3 mm.
    Bracts subtending heads linear, oblanceolate, or obovate, 5–15 × 1–2 mm, usually surpassing glomerules.
    Heads borne singly or in terminal, capitate glomerules, sometimes in axillary glomerules.
    Involucres 2–4 mm.
    Phyllaries brownish, bases woolly, inner narrowly triangular with whitish, acute apices.