Taraxacum F. H. Wiggers (Q3175)

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Taraxacum is a taxon with the rank genus within the tribe Cichorieae
Language Label Description Also known as
Taraxacum F. H. Wiggers
Taraxacum is a taxon with the rank genus within the tribe Cichorieae


    taxon/id/Taraxacum F.H. Wiggers
    0 references
    Taraxacum F.H. Wiggers
    F.H. Wiggers
    FNA Editorial Committee. 2006. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 19: Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, part 6: Asteraceae, part 1. Oxford University Press, New York.
    Dandelion (English)
    pissenlit (English)
    North America
    South America
    worldwide weeds (e.g.)
    worldwide weeds (Taraxacum officinale)
    worldwide weeds (T. erythrospermum)
    taprooted or with branched caudices.
    Stems (1–10+) erect or ascending, scapiform (terete), simple (hollow), glabrous or villous proximal to heads.
    petiolate or sessile;
    blades oblong to obovate or oblanceolate to linear-oblanceolate, runcinate or lyrate (bases cuneate to ± attenuate), margins subentire to dentate or pinnately lobed (apices rounded or obtuse to acute or acuminate, faces glabrous or glabrate to sparsely villous, pilose, or villosulous).
    Heads borne singly.
    Calyculi persistent, of (6–) 8–18 (–20) broadly ovate to lanceolate bractlets in (1–) 2–3 series, distinct (appressed before flowering, recurved to spreading or reflexed in fruit), unequal (shorter than phyllaries, margins scarious, ciliate or not, apices corniculate, callous, or neither).
    Involucres campanulate to cylindro-campanulate or urceolate to cylindric, 8–40 mm diam.
    Phyllaries 7–25 in 2 (–3) series, weakly coherent proximally in buds (interlocking folded margins), distinct later, erect (sometimes slightly spreading) in flower, closing at fruit maturation, reflexed at dispersal (exposing globes of cypselae with fully spread pappi), ± equal, herbaceous, glabrous;
    inner lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, margins scarious, ciliate or not, apices acuminate, sometimes corniculate, callous, or flat.
    Receptacles ± flat, epaleate.
    Florets (15–) 20–150;
    corollas yellow, sometimes greenish, rarely cream or pale-pink [white], often purplish or gray-striped abaxially (anthers yellow or yellow-cream, sometimes darker; styles yellow or greenish, sometimes grayish to blackish).
    Cypselae straw-colored to olive, brown, or red to pale or dark gray, bodies oblanceoloid to obovoid, ± flattened (distally ± swollen, forming discrete, conic, or terete “cones” supporting beaks [without cones]), beaked [beakless], ribs 4–12 (–15), faces muricate (at least distally) [nearly smooth], glabrous;
    pappi persistent, of 50–105+ distinct, white to cream-colored or yellowish to sordid, equal, barbellulate bristles in 1 series.