Kerria de Candolle (Q4488)

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Kerria is a taxon with the rank genus within the tribe Kerrieae
Language Label Description Also known as
Kerria de Candolle
Kerria is a taxon with the rank genus within the tribe Kerrieae


    taxon/id/Kerria de Candolle
    0 references
    Kerria de Candolle
    de Candolle
    FNA Editorial Committee. 2014. Flora of North America north of Mexico. Volume 9: Magnoliophyta: Picramniaceae to Rosaceae. Oxford University Press, New York.
    e Asia (China)
    e Asia (Japan)
    also in Europe
    rhizomatous, suckering freely.
    Stems 1–30+, widely arcuate, sparingly branched;
    bark (periderm) not forming, epidermis green, striate, glabrous;
    bud-scales imbricate.
    Leaves winter-deciduous, cauline, alternate;
    stipules caducous, linear-subulate, thin, margins entire ± strigose-ciliate;
    blade ovate to lanceovate, 2–8.5 cm, membranous, margins flat, coarsely doubly serrate, abaxial surface sparsely sericeous-strigose along veins.
    Inflorescences terminal on vernal, leaf-bearing lateral branches, flowers solitary, sparsely strigose or glabrous;
    bracteoles absent or present, leaflike.
    Pedicels present.
    Flowers 20–50 mm diam.;
    epicalyx bractlets 0;
    hypanthium saucer-shaped, 3–4 mm diam., glabrous;
    sepals (4 or) 5 (or 6), spreading to reflexed, oblong-ovate to ± orbiculate;
    petals (4 or) 5 (or 6), to 34 in multi-petaled cultivars, spreading, strong yellow to slightly orangish or yellow-cream (some petals white in multi-petaled cultivars), oblong-ovate to orbiculate, base short-clawed, apex rounded to emarginate;
    stamens 80–130 (0 or few in multi-petaled cultivars), shorter than petals;
    carpels (4–) 5 (–8), globose, glabrous, styles lateral, linear, ± exceeding filaments;
    Fruits aggregated nutlets, (1–) 5 in 1 whorl, tan, obliquely obovoid-globose, 4.5–5 mm, with distinct adaxial ridge, glabrous except for coarse basal hypanthial hairs;
    hypanthium persistent;
    sepals persistent (withering), reflexed;
    exocarp thin, wrinkled, mesocarp thin, dry, endocarp ± cartilaginous.